Top 5 Chili Oil Picks

Top 5 Chili Oil Picks

Growing up in an Asian household, we had at least 5-7 different varieties of chili oil, sauce, or crisp on hand, at all times. It’s like a basic necessity. 


Because it goes soooo well with pretty much any Chinese recipe you can think of. 

Dumplings? Drizzle some chili oil on that. Noodles? Mix in chili crisp for some crispety crunch factor. Dim sum? It’s basically a vehicle to slather tangy, spicy, and honestly, adventurous chili sauce on. 

In honor of Lunar New Year, let Potli warm up your taste buds with our top 5 hot chili oil picks! 

1. Fly By Jing Sichuan Chili Crisp

Fly By Jing Chili Oil - Top 5 Chili Oils

We need this in a to-go size because this is the hot sauce you need in your bag, swag. The perfect balance of hot, crispy, and numbing “ma la” spice makes it so deliciously addictive, making your food taste bolder and the world around you even brighter. 

Made with erjingtiao chili, tribute pepper, and 100% non-GMO caiziyou, these unique flavors were born in Sichuan province, like Jing. Beyond hallucinogenic levels of spice or electrifying peppers, what really unifies Sichuan flavors in this spicy chili crisp is a complex 鲜 xian (umami) quality that draws out the essence of top-quality ingredients without overpowering their natural flavors.

And that’s what makes it so special -- they take the best ingredients, prepare them with the utmost integrity, and the result is a flavor profile like nothing else.

2. Momofuku Chili Crunch

Momofuku Chili Crunch - Top 5 Chili Oils

We all know and love David Chang, and since he’s introduced the Momofuku Chili Crunch, we love him even more. Combining three dried Mexican chilis with cruncy dried garlic and shallots, this is inspired by the OG chili crisp - Lao Gan Ma and crunchy Mexican salsas like salsa macha and salsa seca. Having eggs for breakfast? Take it to the next level with this unique garlic chili oil.

3. Junzi Chili Oil

Junzi Chili Oil - Top 5 Chili Oils

Always made in small batches, crafted with love by chef Lucas Sin. This iconic sichuan chili oil features Tianjin chili flakes, Sichuan peppercorns, and cayenne peppers. You’ve been warned - this is very spicy. Add a bit of sichuan pepper pow next time you’re having any kind of protein over rice and thank us later. 

4. Lao Gan Ma 

Lao Gan Ma Chili Oil - Top 5 Chili Oils

LIT-RUH-LEE the OG, the Godmother of chinese chili crisps, this was a staple growing up. It’s thick and crunchy which is a great addition if you’re having a fresh bowl of noodle soup or wontons.

What’s special about Lao Gan Ma is that there’s also the addition of fermented soybeans which adds that essence of je ne sais quoi that makes you salivate and eager for the next bite. It’s also ideal for those who aren’t into the uber spicy stuff - this one’s more of a balanced, zhushed up chili oil that can be used from morning to night. 

5. Potli Umami Chili Oil 

Potli Unami Chili Oil - Top 5 Chili Oils

Everyone knows about Potli’s best-selling honey, but did you know there’s a delicious hemp infused chili oil made from Fel’s own family recipe passed down through GENERATIONS and weaved through continents?

It’s a nod to our Asian roots and California upbringing, and that’s why we make our chili oil in-house with the thoughtfulness and care our heritage deserves. 

More than just being tasty AF, it’s also functional and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which is supercharged by the benefits of our sun-grown, broad spectrum hemp CBD. Go ahead, pour the whole bottle. You won’t be able to stop. 


So there you have it, our take on the best chili oils, flakes and sauces around! Did your favorite make it to our list? If not, comment down below and tell us what you think.