Potli's Guide to Your Star Sauce

2022 has officially kicked off and we’re all still trying to navigate these uncertain times. If you’re anything like us, we look to the stars for a little bit of fun guidance. We’ve collaborated with astrology goddess/DJ/designer Sabrina Chun to give you some information that can help you self reflect and put your best foot forward for this new year. As you give these nuggets of insight a think, we encourage you to also think about the best ways to live your best most well life (hopefully with Potli!). We wish you the best for this year and wish you happy scrolling!

Water bearer
Dream Honey
Offbeat, independent, and unconventional, you probably weren’t tied to any friend group in school—you bounced around with a variety of friends, from burnout skaters, ambitious honor roll society kids, and high energy wannabe pop stars. A gifted communicator and genuinely inquisitive, you have a knack of making anyone at ease and bringing an easy sense of community to groups. Big picture visions come easily to you, and because of that, you can be endearingly idealistic.
Like Sagittarius, you’re fond of freedom and philosophy. And like Capricorn, you’re unflinchingly logical. But above all else, you use your practicality for the collective. No wonder you often have a reputation for activism: because you want everyone to enjoy freedom and intellectual pursuits.
It’s not that you’re detached. Or that you don’t have feelings. It’s just that you greatly value your independence, and you’d rather discuss emotions in the abstract sense. But Aquarius, what if you don’t have to intellectualize all your feelings? What if your feelings don’t always have to be logical?

Play Honey
Nebulous and porous—if Cancer is a tsunami, Scorpio an iceberg, you, the last sign in the zodiac, are fog. If you’re not creating art, you appreciate it. You’re often regarded as an old soul, because you’re so empathetic. You’re deeply intuitive, and often find that when you follow your heart, the rest will catch up.
You’re often called dreamy, but that’s because you can see beyond this physical, tangible realm. To you, emotions and feelings are as real as the five senses. You are highly adaptable to your environments, which you do by mirroring your surroundings and people. It’s unfair to call it wishy washy, in your opinion. You call it versatility. And it’s not that you’re easily influenced. You connect with people through your great sensitivity, because you innately understand sorrow and suffering.
But sweet Pisces, what if you built stronger boundaries? What if every cause doesn’t have to be yours to shoulder?

Potli Sriracha
You’ve got a dynamic excitability that singularly marks you as the baby, the golden maknae, of the zodiac. You’re a go-getter in every sense of the word—if there’s something you want, you pounce. Nothing is more exciting to you than new beginnings: fresh possibilities and the chase are more alluring to you than anything.
You’re the natural cheerleader of the zodiac in the best sense of it all: passionate, charismatic, and enthusiastic. To you, the world is your oyster and personal playground. Your unbounded sense of optimism is positively charming to your friends and loved ones—which is how they often find themselves roped into your latest escapade or five! But they wouldn’t have you any other way, because who else will bring that much excitement and energy into their lives?
Others might call you courageous or fearless, but being slightly reckless is more fun than not. While others might deliberate or wait, you go for it. Your irrepressible curiosity drives you to just do it. Like a summer storm, your darker moods are swift and furious, but sunny skies peek out faster than the initial downpour. Patience isn’t a virtue for you at all, but take a moment to reflect on your finished goals. That glorious, unboundless world of possibility bloomed into tangible actuality—isn’t that equally exciting in and of itself?

Potli EVOO
You’re the reigning royal and defending champion of all things self-care, Taurus. A true sensualist through and through—you know how to enjoy yourself and your five senses by way of a scrumptious meal, a day at the beach, or CBD oil massage. Since you’re so in tune with your physical self, you know to treat your body as not only a temple, but a vessel towards emotional and spiritual joy.
It’s not that you’re stubborn. It’s just that you know exactly what you like, with bone-deep conviction and surety. That similar steadfastness is seen in your relationships. You’ve got a top tier devotion to your friends and partners, you’re fluent in acts of service as a love language, and you’re a pillar of strength and resilience. Your loved ones seek you out to ground and center themselves, because of your impeccable ability to cultivate goals and ambitions into a successful harvest.
Playing it safe isn’t just about safety—it’s a deep desire for security and control in an increasingly chaotic world. However, think of the times where your plans went awry in the best way possible. Why not let yourself be surprised?

The twins, Castor and Pollux
Dream Honey
It’s impossible to miss you, Gemini, You’re an excellent and animated storyteller. Your swift mind analyzes through details and information more quickly than an operating system. Above all else, you were born to communicate. Because you’re able to pick up on so many ideas and topics, filing these trivia tidbits away to pull out at any moment. You crave conversation and exchanging ideas, offering advice and anecdotes any given moment.
What’s interesting about you, Gemini, is your famous duality. You’re naturally versatile, and so curious about everything. In a debate, you already know both sides—so you can easily play devil’s advocate at any given moment. Nothing delights you more than a spirited discussion because you’re forever hungry for new ideas and fresh experiences. Your quicksilver tongue is persuasive, especially with your cheerful enthusiasm.
That voraciousness applies everywhere else in your life too, as you’re forever on a quest for more. It’s not that you’re shallow. It’s just that your mind goes a mile a minute, and
But what if you savored it, as opposed to devouring it? To digest and pause after every word, rather than just skimming and speed-reading?

Potli Sriracha
Aren’t you so sick of people reducing you to crybabies, Cancer? These basic people can’t even fathom how strong you are. You’re the sign of contradictions, and ruled by the Moon, your emotions ebb and flow, gentle as a wave yet also forceful as a tsunami. You crave security, yet you're an initiator with a craving for adventure. You’re a nurturer at heart, yet fearful at revealing the endless depths of your emotions. Deeply sensitive, you instinctively know that life is difficult and cruel, so trusting people can be an extraordinary challenge.
However, those lucky enough to be in your inner circle know you as the fiercest protector with undying loyalty. Because you’re so involved in your loved ones lives, their problems are your problems and you’ll go to the ends of the earth for their happiness. You know exactly how to read people, for your emotional intelligence barometer is through the charts: you can spot the slightest nuance and change in behavior.
It’s exhausting to feel everything all at once and so deeply, to hold such sentimentality and melancholy at the same time. Yet Cancer, what if you allowed yourself to trust that the universe isn’t always out to get you and that people aren’t the worst? You can emerge from your immaculately comfortable den from time to time, and not always on the defense.

Potli Sriracha
People know you, Leo. Just as the sun can’t do anything else but shine, your brilliance and light can’t be dimmed. And just as dependable as the sun coming over the eastern horizon every day, your loved ones appreciate your everlasting devotion. Even the shyest Leos have a flair for the theatrical and know just how to garner attention. You’re exuberant, generous, and kind-hearted, bringing sunshine and joy to your inner—and outer—sphere.
Being self-involved comes naturally to you, because you’re the main character at all times. Sure, people might think you’re overbearing or too much, but with your unique Midas touch, you’re able to spin straw into gold with your enthusiasm.
You’re a natural leader but you also know how to work extremely hard. Any project is an extension of you, and thus failure is never an option. Pride can be a downfall, but it’s also your driving force. Success for you means glory and accolades in the court of public opinion.
But Leo, what about the times when the applause dies down? You need to be needed, but can you sustain validation on your own?

Potli EVOO
Precision, perfection, and practical—that’s all you, Virgo! Your deeply analytical mind is always whirring a mile a minute, working out how to best bring order to chaos. You’re the person that’ll stay longer hours to tinker and perfect something until it matches your exact vision. An eternal student, you’re forever hungry for more knowledge. And what an excellent student you are, with a memory like a steel trap and mind skillful at problem solving. You consider it a public service to share your constructive criticism with everyone—in fact, that’s one of your love languages. Telling someone how to improve isn’t for the faint of heart, but thankfully you are.
Your consciousness also shows up in thoughtful acts of service. And of course, you’re a killer at presents. Above all, nothing makes you happier than being helpful and useful to people you care for most.
But despite perceived rigidity, you’re also wonderfully adaptable; after all, you’re always readjusting and refining. Expand your narrow scope: what you think should be sometimes shouldn’t. Virgo, it’s okay to let go of whatever grand plans you had in your brilliant mind. Have faith that this messy universe doesn’t always need cleaning up. It’s also okay to just be. What if you don’t have to be useful all the time, and most importantly, turn off that mean inner critic?

The scales
Potli Sriracha
You’re a people person, Libra. You’ve got a remarkable ability to love people and be loved in return. Peace-loving, you seek harmony and balance. Because you’re so deeply empathetic, you’re easily able to see from not just one, but everyone’s point of view. You know how to make people feel seen and heard, but most importantly, understood.
You’ve got a bad rep for being shallow, but what’s wrong with always striving for living to the fullest? Because you know that life is unfair, you try to tip the scales otherwise. You delight in creating and being around beauty of all kinds, be it an immaculately decorated home or a show-stopping outfit. While Taurus, also ruled by Venus, delights in material objects, you delight in beautiful people and experiences.
However, because you hate friction and arguments of any kind, you tend to stifle your own feelings. You’d rather pacify the group, because that’s easier than disagreeing. Libra, what if you spoke up not in the defense of others, but yourself? What if your opinion or needs go against the grain? Don’t you also want to be understood too?

Mars & Pluto
Play Honey
The world’s greatest detective isn’t Batman. It’s you, Scorpio. Your keen powers of perception are legendary. When you walk into a room, you instantly discern power dynamics, because your eyes always see what others often overlook.
Others call you intense, but you go where others fear to tread. Because you exist in the realms other than the material world, you’ve got an uncanny, almost psychic, ability to uncover hidden motivations. You just can’t do surface level; since you’ve seen beneath the depths, you’ve got zero time to waste on that. It’s all or nothing with you.
You feel intensely, but your ability to hide it under a cool, icy veneer is renowned. You’re acutely aware that vulnerability can be a weakness, so you’d rather die than let a stranger see you out of control. In a world that prizes stoic rationality above all, you’ve had to learn to temper your emotions.
On the flip side, your all-consuming drive is derived from your powerful and passionate emotions. And as such, it gives you a prodigious ability for transformation and healing. Scorpio, what would happen if you let down those carefully built walls? What if vulnerability isn’t scary?

Potli Sriracha
The life of the party! Sagittarius, not only would life be so boring without you, but more unpleasant. Where would we be without your special brand of optimism? Your upbeat sense of humor? You’re everyone’s friend, because you’re so outgoing, finding genuine interest in almost everything and everyone.
No one can pin a Sag down for long, as you were made to roam. You’re constantly on the go. Unlike people that dwell on ideas, you’re down to make it happen. You’ll go to the farthest flung places just for the thrill of it—no wonder you’re renowned for your travel lust. Freedom is the ultimate goal, and Sagittarius, you excel at it.
You’re a straight shooter and say exactly what you mean. There’s no time to ponder hidden meanings or agendas. Sometimes your bluntness can get you in trouble, but usually you’re so winsome that any rough waters eventually smooth over. But Sagittarius, what if you did slow down sometimes? What if structure isn’t restriction, but a way to more freedom?

Sea goat
Potli EVOO
If there’s one thing about you, Capricorn, is that you persist. You’re a powerhouse success story: hard, continuous, grinding work makes dream work. To you, life is a series of long-term investments, not instant gratifications, and you’re willing to wait and reap the rewards. Though your head may sometimes be in the clouds, your feet are firmly on the ground. You’re diligent and practical, and above all, highly capable. Capricorn, your ambition grows the more you apply yourself.
You have little patience with ambiguity, because it’s a waste of time to you. Your loved ones know to come to you for a reality check and practical advice. You can’t help it, you just know best. You work best with boundaries; after all, it’s your resourcefulness in using all the tools in your disposal to climb to the top.
A loner at heart, you tend to withdraw. Feelings can be hard for you, but you usually have a wickedly dry sense of humor. But Capricorn, what if you didn’t go inwards when you’re hurting? And do you have to work so hard all the time? What does pure rest and relaxation look like to you?