Last Call On Fall (Foods & Recipes in Season Now)

Last Call On Fall (Foods & Recipes in Season Now)
By Georgia A. Lewis 邵洛源
10 min read
There are many benefits to eating seasonally: it can be healthier for your body, more sustainable for the environment, and helps support local farmers who grow good food with fewer chemicals. In this article we'll cover what fruits and vegetables are in season now that will make your Fall cooking cozier as we slowly transition into the Winter season...
Fall Food List
● Pumpkins, turnips, and carrots: This trio is the very essence of fall. They’re all inexpensive and versatile, meaning you can eat them in a variety of ways (roasted with butter, mashed up into soups or stews) and still feel like you’re eating something healthy—and delicious!
● Butternut squash: This particular squash is sweeter than other varieties out there but also has more fiber than pumpkins do (which makes for an excellent source of vitamin A).
● Beets: These vegetables are delicious on their own or added to salads or as a side dish at dinner time! You can even make beet juice if you want something super healthy with some extra “umph” behind it!
● Pears: The only thing better than this fruit is when they're baked into pies! (Or eaten off-the-vine.)
● Sweet potatoes: Sweet potato fries are one way that this root vegetable gets prepared but there are many other ways too including making sweet potato mash or using it as a part of soups such as those based around chicken broth."
Eating Seasonally is More Sustainable for the Environment
Seasonal eating is more sustainable for the environment, because:
● food harvested locally doesn't need to be transported on long journeys. This keeps our carbon footprint smaller, which means less pollution and lower costs (for both you and the environment).
● eating seasonally also helps us stay in tune with our planet's natural cycles—if we eat foods only when they're ready to be harvested now, we're more likely to appreciate their taste as well as their nutritional value.
Eating Seasonally is Eating a Healthier, More Sustainable Diet
Eating seasonally is better for your health because the food is fresher and richer in nutrients when harvested locally and in tune with the cycles of earth. The produce you eat at its peak ripeness contains more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Eating out-of-season fruits means they were picked before they were ripe (or ripened artificially), which can make them taste bland or even bitter.
The term "eating seasonally" refers to consuming foods at their peak freshness—either because they're fresh from your own garden or local farmers market, or they've been imported directly from those who grew them (often across continents). This can be achieved by shopping locally year-round—and eating seasonally!
Recipe Spotlight: Creamy & Chill(i) Asparagus, Peas Risotto
For the Recipe
For the Chill
Recipe Spotlight: Feel Good Rhubarb, Apricot, and Honey Galette
For the Recipe
For the Feel Good
Enjoy these Fall Foods and Warm Up for the Winter Season... but also...
Something We Love is “Bite Me” – A show about making safe & tasty edibles at home
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